By Mitchell
As you're probably aware, in the world of motor sports we at Our Word (meaning mostly me, but we choose to use the editorial form of the noun anyway) tend to favor racing of the open-wheeled kind, especially Formula 1.
So it should come as no surprise that we were unable to pass up this story regarding F1 president Max Mosley - which, gospel truth, has not been made up. The headline alone is marvelous: "F1 boss Max Mosley has sick Nazi orgy with 5 hookers. Son of fascist Hitler lover in sex shame." (Do the British know how to write headlines, or what?)
The son of infamous British wartime fascist leader Oswald Mosley is filmed romping with five hookers at a depraved NAZI-STYLE orgy in a torture dungeon. Mosley— a friend to F1 big names like Bernie Ecclestone and Lewis Hamilton— barks ORDERS in GERMAN as he lashes girls wearing mock DEATH CAMP uniforms and enjoys being whipped until he BLEEDS.
At one point the wrinkled 67-year-old—who publicly likes to give the impression he has put his father's evil legacy behind him—yells "she needs more of ze punishment!" while brandishing a LEATHER STRAP over a brunette's naked bottom.
Then the lashes rain down as Mosley counts them out in German: "Eins! Zwei! Drei! Vier! Fünf! Sechs!.."
The story goes on from there. But wait - it gets better, as NRO's Mark Hemingway points out:
Oswald Mosely, founder of the British Fascists Union, was the model for Roderick Spode, a.k.a Lord Sidcup, the loutish leader of the fascist "Black Shorts" in [P.G. Wodehose's] Jeeves and Wooster series. [Since the Nazis were the Black Shirts and the Facists the Brown Shirts, the only thing left to this group were Black Shorts.] Wodehose described him thusly: "as if Nature had intended to make a gorilla, and had changed its mind at the last moment." No doubt if Wodehouse were still alive, he would be amused and unsurprised by his son's public humiliation — particularly since in the books Spode is revealed [spoiler warning] to be ashamed of his secretive double life as a famed designer of ladies lingerie.

You could not make this up even if you tried. You'd be laughed right out of town. The whole thing would be funny if it weren't so grotesque, and even at that it's hard to keep a straight face reading it.

After all this, it would seem that there are no more words to say, but leave it to Mark Steyn to come up with the final thought: "Say what you like but this week's Governor of New York has got his work cut out topping that."
Picture Credit: Two disgruntled fans holding a "Blame Mosley" banner at the 2005 US Grand Prix. Photograph taken by Dan Smith.
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