Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Opera Wednesday

So today I'm walkikng past one of those noontime "Holiday Concerts" they have downtown with a local orchestra of young musicians, and I have to ask: why are they playing the overture to Orpheus in the Underworld?

(Yes, I know they might think of it as "Hurry, Hurry Hercules," but still...)


Here's the great Jessye Norman singing the beautiful, underappreciated, "Holy City," which isn't played nearly often enough during the Christmas season.


And what would Christmas be on this blog without a clip from Amahl and the Night Visitors? (Mitchell would never let me return.) This is from the Teresa Stratas version that NBC did in the late 70s. - "Have You Seen a Child." Menotti thought if he had a do-over he would probably make this shorter, as young audiences tend to squirm a bit. I think it's just fine the way it is.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
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