Monday, February 4, 2013

Of the Anglican Schism, NBA threats, and Dear Leader

Frank Larisey, an independent Anglican minister who is part of the Diocese of South Carolina (the group that split from The Episcopal Church in November), wrote an article tracing the corruption of their seminaries more than a century and a half ago that led to the historic November breakaway from the national denomination of an entire region that spans half of our state.

A California lawmaker is threatening Microsoft because the CEO is involved in the purchase of a National Basketball Association franchise in Sacramento (see the Jack Twyman article in regards to the franchise's historic roots) and relocation to Microsoft's headquarters.

Michael Brown reacts to the inaugural speech of Dear Leader, noting that his goal is to put Christians in hiding as sexual deviants gain special rights and can banish Christianity.

Bob Unruh reports on the Department of Social Engineering's increasing push where women in combat becomes legal; lower standards will likely be the result. Why do we need to lower our standards? Where would the motivation be in our society? 
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