Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Twas the Night Before Christmas Dear Bloggers

By Kristin

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house.
Not a computer was stirring, not even it's mouse.
The ink pens were filled by blank paper with care,
In hopes that the writers soon would be there.
The bloggers were nestled all snug on the couch,
While browsing the op-ed’s, looking for something to write about.
And Ma with her memoir and I with my laptop,
Had just started writing, hopefully not the next flop.
When out in the study we heard such a noise,
At first I thought it was my brother, playing Pink Floyd.
Away down the stairs I flew like a dog,
In hopes that a comment had been posted on my blog.
The moon’s night light cast a still glow on the monitor,
As the cursor stood motionless, refusing to go farther.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a tiny envelope in the corner from Outlook, beckoning me near.
I darted to the chair, sat and double clicked,
A thought crossed my mind, “A note from my editor, Mr. Nick”.
Then more emails appeared, by the dozens, hundred, thousands,
“So many”, I yelled so loud to be heard in all the neighborhood houses.
I opened the first email, from Old Nick, of course,
“We have a masterpiece,” he wrote, “sitting before us”.
“This blog entry is spectacular, and not too soon it came,”
All the other emails from readers read practically the same.

What will happen to our Blogging Hero? Will his latest entry truly be the next great blog? Or was this a clever spam email just trying to get his attention? We will find out...as the 25th approaches....

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