Monday, June 7, 2010

Cultural outrage

The Hensons Doing Raunchy Television? The Henson family (whose well-known Muppet characters are now in control by another company) has developed a new puppet-based programme, Late Night Liars, on Sony's GSN that is extremely raunchy and designed for the late-night time slots in the Eastern time zone. Is this a Henson programme or is this just another cable-specific, pile on the rauncy type?

Shut The Television Mid-Sequence? Speaking of Sony, Glee ends Series Two (officially the first season, but because of its split-season format, it is Series Two because both halves are separate series because of the long break, as many UK television shows refer to them) with the awful glee club that does not know what are legitimate songs for school choirs to sing. The song list I have received (some friends watch this show faithfully -- I had no time because of dance classes during the first part of Series Two and now this summer choral project has me tied in knots to not watch it) has me wanting to eat dinner with my dance partner, and then the lights turned off. (See "Made in America" for the reason.)

Those Who Forget History . . . In the movie To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar, a World Golf Hall of Fame member was prodded by a transvestite's character using his name for the character that led to litigation. If a certain Asian character on Glee becomes raunchy or unfaithful in certain ways, we may seen an International Tennis Hall of Fame member who is a current member of the Champions Series Tennis tour (older than 30, national Copa Davis team member, or finalist at a major) with a similar name go into the law books and request a cease and desist.

Here We Go Again. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed in 1995 by Madeline Albright, has lurked 15 years in the United States Senate. The outrageous treaty, not ratified yet, has been used by the Supreme Court in their moving of the nation's legislative capital to Bruxelles. With nearly a three-fifths supermajority, liberals believe the time is now to pass laws to wipe parents off the map and replace them with government.

The Ultimate Perversion. Homosexual activists received a major boost when President Obama revived the Clinton-era policy of declaring June homosexual month, celebrating Stonewall and the Constitutional Right to Sodomy. These activists are absurd, and their behaviour is even worse. In doing an investigation, I talked to a photographer who does her works at art museums and based on what she told me, I learned how perverted they were that art designed for women has been purchased by these sexual deviants.

Conquering With a Mosque. The Al Aqsa Mosque was built on the ruins of the Temple Mount. Mosques were built on Constantinople replacing cathedrals to show the victory of Islam. Now plans are to build a mosque near Ground Zero which shows the victory of Al Qaeda in destroying the central point of business in New York. Victory over infidels mean a mosque in that area.

D-Day. In Long Pond, Pennsylvania, D-Day was celebrated with the victory of the Axis Powers (Japan) over the Allied Powers (United States).

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